Mestre of the Month

Mestre Paulo dos Anjos

‘José Paulo dos Anjos’

August 15, 1936 – March 26, 1999

Few of today’s Capoeira practitioners stick so close to the art’s traditions and originality as José Paulo dos Anjos.

Mestre Paulo dos Anjos was known as one of the most skilled and versatile Angoleiros of the century. He strongly resisted the attempts to incorporate the changes and fads of modern Capoeira into the traditional art. “For me, nothing has changed. I continue practicing Capoeira Angola according to tradition,” he used to say.
Mestre Paulo was born on August 15th, 1936 in the town of Instance in Sergipe. He moved to Bahia and started work young as a result of the early death of his father. Being the eldest of his brothers, he assumed the responsibility of helping to raise them with his mother. At 14 years old, Mestre Paulo made a name for himself in Salvador as a promising boxer. Later he met Master Canjiquinha, who introduced him to Capoeira. The young Paulo began to frequent the rodas of the Bahian cities, including the rodas of Mestre Pastinha’s academy. In street festivals, his technique and abilities began to attract everyone’s attention. From then on, time would transform him into a master, graduated by Mestre Canjiquinha himself. He also spent time with Mestre Gato Preto, teaching with him in Bahia and also in São Paulo.

With his own style of singing the Capoeira Angola songs, Mestre Paulo dos Anjos was venerated by all. He seemed to have an “orchestra” in his throat. He became widely respected in the Capoeira world and recorded some songs on a CD combining his unique style with the musical tradition of Capoeira. Alongside Mestre Gato Preto, he gave classes on Itaparica Island as well as other places in the metropolitan region of Salvador. His unique way of playing Capoeira helped keep alive the wit of his master and was enjoyed by all other masters alike.

In the 1970s, preoccupied with the direction of Capoeira Angola, Mestre Paulo dos Anjos decided to go to Sao Paulo in order to transmit the teachings of his master. He moved there for five years and in São José dos Campos, he formed the group Anjos de Angola (Angels of Angola). In 1978 he won the Capoeira championship at the Pacaembu Gymnasium in the state capital. However, Mestre Paulo found that he was very little understood in Sao Paulo, making it difficult to keep alive the Capoeira Angola tradition.

 Thus, he returned to Salvador in 1980 and influenced the movement of capoeiristas fighting for better working conditions. Upon his return, he also gathered his followers and told them of the wise decision that from now on he would work with underprivileged children, using Capoeira as a vehicle against ignorance and indifference. Indeed, Mestre Paulo was among the first to believe that through Capoeira, it would be possible to train people to learn critical and creative thinking, interacting positively with the world in which they live.

In 1987, he led the Brazilian Capoeira Angola Association and combined his Capoeira work with his activities as a civil servant in Salvador’s town hall. Many of his students have now become Masters and Professors with their own academies around the world. Past students are Virgílio do Retiro, Jaime de Mar Grande, Jorge Satélite, Pássaro Preto, Amâncio, Neguinho, Renê, Alfredo, Djalma, Galego, Mala, Josias, Cabeção, Jequié, Feijão, Vital, and Al Capone, among others.

Homenagem ao Mestre Paulo dos Anjos

Mestre Paulo dos Anjos passed away on March 26, 1999 in Salvador, the victim of an infection contracted after a surgery in a local hospital. His death represents the loss of not only a very distinguished human being, but also an irreparable loss for Capoeira, especially the lineage of Capoeira Angola.

Mestre Val Boa Morte

Assisted By Elisa Osegueda ‘Passarinha’ 



Mestre Boa Gente (born: Vivaldo Conceição Rodrigues) was born in May 17th 1945, in Ibicarai, in the South of Bahia, Brazil

Capoeira Angola captured his heart and soul in 1956 in Ilhéus after watching teachers João Grande, João Pequeno and Antônio Cabeceiro, among others, play capoeira during the celebration of St. Sebastian, patron saint of the city. There he began his journey with mestre Antônio Cabeceiro, on the streets of Ilhéus. He learnt capoeira in the same manner with which the slaves learnt to play in “capoeiras” (cleared areas in the jungle), by watching others and applying what he saw in the roda, because at that time there were no Capoeira schools in Ilhéus. Then, by virtue of fate, he went to Salvador. Finding his brother Dominguinhos, he trained at the “Escola Baiana de Capoeira Angola “ (Capoeira Angola School of Bahia) with Mestre Gato for several years.

When Valdemar Santana, the “Black Leopard” (Leopardo Negro), Brazilian champion of MMA (wrestling) at the time, visited the Escola Baiana de Capoeira Angola, The “Black Leopard” was so impressed by the student Boa Gente, he invited him to join his MMA academy. As always, an engaging and dedicated student, Boa Gente became the MMA champion of Bahia in 1974.

In 1972, when Boa Gente attended a presentation of the “Sons of Oba” in Casa de Pedra, where he trained Capoeira, he was invited by Professor Lee to train Korean Karate. Along with Professor Lee, Boa Gente founded the Tae kwon-do Association of Bahia, and he continued to train there for some time.

Part of Boa Gente’s training of MMA included visiting other gyms and academies. When Boa Gente went to train at the Academy of Mestre Bimba, who had gone to Rio de Janeiro, mestre Vermelho 27 had taken over the training at the academy, providing the hard-training that Boa Gente needed. After this visit he was invited by mestre Vermelho 27 to train with him and from there Mestre Boa Gente went on to found the “Associação de Capoeira Mestre Boa Gente “ (Association of Capoeira Mestre Boa Gente) in 1981.

Thereafter Mestre Boa Gente devoted his life to social work in “Vale das Pedrinhas”, “Nordeste de Amaralina”, Santa Cruz and about 17 years of teaching at the College of São Paulo, one of the most respected institutions in the State of Bahia. He has taught workshops, courses and lectures throughout Brazil, the United States (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas), Europe (Lisbon, Portugal) and Australia, and has become one of the pioneers in teaching Capoeira to children and adolescents in schools to aid learning development.

Today, Mestre Boa Gente still teaches and supervises classes daily in the area called “Vale das Pedrinhas“.

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Cuidado com quem é esse homem!
Cuidado com quem é esse homem!
Esse homem é valente,
na fazenda Caco Velho
Colega vê, matou muito de gente
Vou me embora meu irmão,
vou sair dessa parada!
A roda tâ muita boa,
mas vai ter muita porrada!
Se nao respeitar o mestre,
Colega vê levar uma Cabeçada!
Se tiver com uma navalha,
vaï tomar muita pancada!
Tudo isso é brincadeira,
Colega vê quem briga nao tâ com nada!

Camaradinha, é hora é hora
Iê é hora é hora, camara!
Iê vamos embora!
Iê vamos embora camara!
Pelo mundo afora,
Iê pelo mundo afora, camara!
Oï aï aï Aquinderrê!
Iê Aquiberrê, camara!
Oï aï aï quem me pega!
Iê quem me pega, camara!
Oï na mandinga!
Iê na mandinga, camara!
Oï aï aï da capoeira!
Iê da capoeira, camara!
Oï o menino é bom!
Iê o menino é bom, camara!
Iê sabe jogar!
Iê sabe jogar, camara!
oï ele é cabeceiro!
Iê ele é cabeceiro, camara!
Iê ele é mandiguegueiro

Iê ele é mandiguegueiro camará

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