11-14 March 2021 – Festival da Bahia
This year Capoeira Filhos da Bahia wishes to bring Bahia to Melbourne and we are inviting you to join us during this great moment of joy, celebration, culture, sharing and togetherness.
Our school always aims to bring people together and we want our next event to offer numerous opportunities to do so.
The workshops will include:
– Capoeira
– Berimbau
– Afro Brazilian percussion
– Afro Brazilian Dance
– Acrobatics
– Cuisine of Bahia
We will have many opportunities to share the Brazilian culture, and especially from Bahia with guests native from this region of Brazil that is so special to us.
We will of course have our Batizado and grading on Sunday 14 March 2021.
Guests lists, price lists, schedules will be communicated soon.
Some of our Confirmed Guests:
Mestre Borracha
Formado Camaleao ‘Damiano’
Treinel Gingadinha
Formado Javali
Professor Christopher Geara
And a few more to confirm.
For any inquiry, come to Capoeira Filhos da Bahia School (83-85 Little Oxford St, COLLINGWOOD, 3066, VIC) or contact us through our Facebook Page message box.
See you all at the 2021 Festival da Bahia to share the Axé!
Mestre Amen Santo (Bahia USA) \ Mestre Pinga Fogo (SAO PAULO USA) \ Mestre Nei Boa Morte (Sydney) \ Mestre Borracha (Sydney) Mestre Jorge Draga (Perth) \ Mestre Jeronimo (Sydney) \ Contramestre Dvd (Sydney) Professor Christopher Geara (Melbourne) Professor Javali (Melbourne) | Professor Pivete (Melbourne) \ Trainel Bruno ‘Gingadinha’ (Melbourne) \ Damiano ‘Camaleao’ (Melbourne) & more to confirm
Full Program
Rodas, Batizados & Demonstrations
Thursday 21st March 05:30 – 06:30pm –Welcome Rodato everyone@Cfdb School
Saturday 23rd March 12:00 – 1:30pm Roda to everyone@Cfdb School
Sunday 24th March 02:00 – 05:00pm Batizado,Grading & Open Roda Do to everyone@Cfdb School
Friday 22nd March 04:30 – 06:30pm – with Mestre Pinga Fogo
Saturday 23rd March 10:00 – 12:00pm – with Mestre Amen Santo
New Beginners Free Introduction
Thursday 21st March 06:30 – 07:30pm – Capoeira @Cfdb School with Mestre Nei Boa Morte
A crowdfunding campaign has been started by Capoeira Filhos da Bahia to help us preserve our fantastic training space in Collingwood, a space available to all of us since 5th of February 2000.
Let’s unite to prevent this from happening. You can help sustain our Capoeira community into the future by clicking on the Donate button below.
with World Famous Capoeira Master: Mestre Amen Santo
from Los Angeles, USA. From the movie ‘ONLY THE STRONG’, Mestre Amen is a pioneer of taking Capoeira outside of Brazil to the World.
THIS YEAR – Mestre Amen Santo & his student, Contra-Mestre Versatil are available to Capoeira Teachers for a Private Session on Techniques, Discussion & Advice on any aspect on Capoeira of your choosing.
Book one-on-one OR share the Session with a small group.
OPEN TO ALL CAPOEIRA TEACHERS & Advanced Level Capoeiristas (Monitor level & up).
Capoeiristas must have the expressed endorsement of their Teacher/Master to participate.
info@capoeirafdb.com or contact Mestre Val on 0448801192
We Honour Yemanja at Ventana Fiesta FRANKSTON – SAT March 12th Once again, in a Beachside Ceremony & Offering at Frankston Beach followed by the Ventana Latin Festival Street Parade. In Brazil, Yemanja is celebrated each year on February 2nd. Ventana Latin Festival is in it’s 10th Year and Mestre Val has been very dedicated to continuing to grow it, supporting the Organisers and presenting Capoeira & Brazilian Culture and stories for the City of Frankston & the visiting community. Nowhere else in Australia, does the Afro-Brazilian culture of Honouring the Orisha exist in a Festival Program.
Batizado time :) THIS YEAR will be Mestre Val’s 22nd Batizado event, so let’s do this :) !!
Batizado Event time, is the Capoeira students’ opportunity to, re-commit to their Capoeira training, meet more of the Capoeira Community from the wider World, an opportunity to participate in the ritual of Grading & being recognised for the training & the things you have learned since last year! :)
For some, its a time to learn new things that they haven’t been exposed to, for others it’s a time to reconnect with old friends or old teachers, remembering what already has been and it’s also a time share your own wisdom and catch up on things we may have forgotten you know!
CFdB Academy 83-85 Little Oxford Street, Collingwood VIC 3066 www.capoeirafdb.com
Contact Mestre Val Boa Morte
TEACHERS TBA * Program is subject to change, without notice, except for those enrolled in the event
CFdB 22nd International Capoeira Encounter 2016 FULL PROGRAM
Rodas, Batizados & Demonstrations
Friday 18th Mar 05:30 – 06:30pm –Welcome Roda to everyone@Cfdb School
Friday 18th Mar 10:30pm @ COPA as part of Capoeira Samba Show Advanced students only
Saturday 19th Mar 12:00 – 1:30pm Roda to everyone@Cfdb School
Sunday 20th Mar 02:00 – 05:00pm Batizado & Grading Free Entry to everyone@Cfdb School
THIS SUNDAY 27th from 1-4 pm we celebrate the São Cosme e Sao Damião day for our children and their families. The twin saints became known for curing people and animals without a charge for their service and became the representative saint for the pharmaceuticals and doctors. During this day, there will be a number of activities and entertainment for children of all backgrounds and age, we’ll also give out lollies as it is the tradition. It is expected that the parents will remain in attendance to supervise their children for the duration of the event.
Capoeira from 2-3pm
(WORKSHOP & LITTLE DEMO) Students must bring Uniform.
ADDRESS: Sol Green Community Centre Cnr. Montague and Coventry St, South Melbourne 3205 Melways Ref: 2J/K2 de
Neste evento celebramos o Dia de São Cosme e São Damião para nossas crianças e seus familiares. Os santos gêmeos ficaram conhecidos por curarem pessoas e animais sem cobrar nada pelo serviço e são considerados padroeiros dos farmacêuticos e médicos. Nesse dia, proporcionamos várias atividades e brincadeiras para criancas de todas as comunidades e idades. Também são distribuídas balinhas, como manda a tradição. E expectative da ABRISA que os pais estarão presente para supervisionar seus filhos.
Mestre Val Boa Morte & Capoeira Filhos da Bahia are collaborating with Power Living in Fitzroy to present a wonderful community event!
Awaken Your Dancing Warrior
Fitzroy Studio
Saturday 22 August | 1:00pm-4:00pm
FREE Community Event
At: POWER LIVING – 260 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy (03) 9419 1118
Immerse yourself in the vibrancy of the South American culture, by experiencing the Brazilian Artform: Capoeira and the vitality of the Capoeira playing circle called a Roda.
Learn the fundamentals of Capoeira, a game, a dance, a martial art form, led by Capoeira pioneer – Mestre Val Boa Morte of Capoeira Filhos da Bahia. This will be followed by a spiced up Vinyasa journey led by our Colombian instructor Ana.
This week, Mestre Val advanced ‘Corujinha’ Corrine Davey to Monitor level. She has been training Capoeira for 15 years and with Mestre Val & Capoeira Filhos da Bahia for 5 years. Here she is pictured with her group in the UK, in the Island of Jersey in the Channel Islands at their Brazilian Capoeira Festival this week. Congratulations Monitora Corujinha & Jersey Capoeira students, welcome to the Capoeira Filhos da Bahia family & community! Axe!
FROM MESTRE VAL – Happy Birthday to Monitora Corujinha Davey, its being a great honor for being here in Jersey and be hosted by you, your family, friends and the CFdB Jersey Capoeira Family. God Bless you Today and always :)
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