Mestre of the Month

Mestre Paulo dos Anjos

‘José Paulo dos Anjos’

August 15, 1936 – March 26, 1999

Few of today’s Capoeira practitioners stick so close to the art’s traditions and originality as José Paulo dos Anjos.

Mestre Paulo dos Anjos was known as one of the most skilled and versatile Angoleiros of the century. He strongly resisted the attempts to incorporate the changes and fads of modern Capoeira into the traditional art. “For me, nothing has changed. I continue practicing Capoeira Angola according to tradition,” he used to say.
Mestre Paulo was born on August 15th, 1936 in the town of Instance in Sergipe. He moved to Bahia and started work young as a result of the early death of his father. Being the eldest of his brothers, he assumed the responsibility of helping to raise them with his mother. At 14 years old, Mestre Paulo made a name for himself in Salvador as a promising boxer. Later he met Master Canjiquinha, who introduced him to Capoeira. The young Paulo began to frequent the rodas of the Bahian cities, including the rodas of Mestre Pastinha’s academy. In street festivals, his technique and abilities began to attract everyone’s attention. From then on, time would transform him into a master, graduated by Mestre Canjiquinha himself. He also spent time with Mestre Gato Preto, teaching with him in Bahia and also in São Paulo.

With his own style of singing the Capoeira Angola songs, Mestre Paulo dos Anjos was venerated by all. He seemed to have an “orchestra” in his throat. He became widely respected in the Capoeira world and recorded some songs on a CD combining his unique style with the musical tradition of Capoeira. Alongside Mestre Gato Preto, he gave classes on Itaparica Island as well as other places in the metropolitan region of Salvador. His unique way of playing Capoeira helped keep alive the wit of his master and was enjoyed by all other masters alike.

In the 1970s, preoccupied with the direction of Capoeira Angola, Mestre Paulo dos Anjos decided to go to Sao Paulo in order to transmit the teachings of his master. He moved there for five years and in São José dos Campos, he formed the group Anjos de Angola (Angels of Angola). In 1978 he won the Capoeira championship at the Pacaembu Gymnasium in the state capital. However, Mestre Paulo found that he was very little understood in Sao Paulo, making it difficult to keep alive the Capoeira Angola tradition.

 Thus, he returned to Salvador in 1980 and influenced the movement of capoeiristas fighting for better working conditions. Upon his return, he also gathered his followers and told them of the wise decision that from now on he would work with underprivileged children, using Capoeira as a vehicle against ignorance and indifference. Indeed, Mestre Paulo was among the first to believe that through Capoeira, it would be possible to train people to learn critical and creative thinking, interacting positively with the world in which they live.

In 1987, he led the Brazilian Capoeira Angola Association and combined his Capoeira work with his activities as a civil servant in Salvador’s town hall. Many of his students have now become Masters and Professors with their own academies around the world. Past students are Virgílio do Retiro, Jaime de Mar Grande, Jorge Satélite, Pássaro Preto, Amâncio, Neguinho, Renê, Alfredo, Djalma, Galego, Mala, Josias, Cabeção, Jequié, Feijão, Vital, and Al Capone, among others.

Homenagem ao Mestre Paulo dos Anjos

Mestre Paulo dos Anjos passed away on March 26, 1999 in Salvador, the victim of an infection contracted after a surgery in a local hospital. His death represents the loss of not only a very distinguished human being, but also an irreparable loss for Capoeira, especially the lineage of Capoeira Angola.

Mestre Val Boa Morte

Assisted By Elisa Osegueda ‘Passarinha’ 

Capoeira Techniques MASTERCLASS 2016 with Mestre Amen Santo & CM Versatil (USA Capoeira Batuque)


with World Famous Capoeira Master: Mestre Amen Santo

from Los Angeles, USA. From the movie ‘ONLY THE STRONG’, Mestre Amen is a pioneer of taking Capoeira outside of Brazil to the World.

THIS YEAR – Mestre Amen Santo & his student, Contra-Mestre Versatil are available to Capoeira Teachers for a Private Session on Techniques, Discussion & Advice on any aspect on Capoeira of your choosing.

Book one-on-one OR share the Session with a small group.

OPEN TO ALL CAPOEIRA TEACHERS & Advanced Level Capoeiristas (Monitor level & up).

Capoeiristas must have the expressed endorsement of their Teacher/Master to participate.

INTERESTED APPLICANTS must send an EXPRESSION of INTEREST by email to or contact Mestre Val on 0448801192


CFdB @ VENTANA Fiesta 2016 – Frankston

We Honour Yemanja at Ventana Fiesta FRANKSTON – SAT March 12th
Once again, in a Beachside Ceremony & Offering at Frankston Beach followed by the Ventana Latin Festival Street Parade.
In Brazil, Yemanja is celebrated each year on February 2nd.
Ventana Latin Festival is in it’s 10th Year and Mestre Val has been very dedicated to continuing to grow it, supporting the Organisers and presenting Capoeira & Brazilian Culture and stories for the City of Frankston & the visiting community.
Nowhere else in Australia, does the Afro-Brazilian culture of Honouring the Orisha exist in a Festival Program.

CFdB @ St Kilda Festival 2016

CFdB @ St Kilda Festival 2016 – SUN FEB 14

THIS SUNDAY – Please JOIN US from 12:30pm!

EVERY YEAR – it has become a Melbourne Tradition to have Mestre Val Boa Morte & Capoeira Filhos da Bahia students alongside Capoeira Samba Show & Dance City Productions give a combined Capoeira & Samba Demonstration & Performance as well as hosting a Street Roda for all to enjoy & participate in.

Register your attendance on FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE
and SMS Mestre Val know that you are coming!

0448801192 |

<<< ON THE DAY >>>

MEET @ 12:30pm at JACKA BOULEVARD – St Kilda

All CFdB students are to wear FULL WHITE UNIFORM

CFdB RODA & DEMONSTRATION at 1pm & TBA on the day – again before 4pm
(please be ready by 12:30pm)

1pm & Time TBA on the day


Performances are also at:
2pm (Professional Performance onstage LATIN QUARTER)

with FULL SHOW Drumming, Capoeira & Samba Dancers:
Capoeira Samba Show & Dance City Productions



22nd CFdB International Capoeira Encounter 2016

It’s THAT time of the Capoeira Calendar AGAIN!

Batizado time :) THIS YEAR will be Mestre Val’s 22nd Batizado event, so let’s do this :) !!

Batizado Event time, is the Capoeira students’ opportunity to, re-commit to their Capoeira training, meet more of the Capoeira Community from the wider World, an opportunity to participate in the ritual of Grading & being recognised for the training & the things you have learned since last year! :)

For some, its a time to learn new things that they haven’t been exposed to, for others it’s a time to reconnect with old friends or old teachers, remembering what already has been and it’s also a time share your own wisdom and catch up on things we may have forgotten you know!


To learn more about WHAT IS BATIZADO – CLICK HERE


JOIN our Facebook Event Page

Join our EVENT PAGE on Facebook







MARCH 17 – 20, 2016

CFdB Academy
83-85 Little Oxford Street, Collingwood VIC 3066

Contact Mestre Val Boa Morte


TEACHERS TBA * Program is subject to change, without notice, except for those enrolled in the event

CFdB 22nd International Capoeira Encounter 2016 FULL PROGRAM

Rodas, Batizados & Demonstrations
Friday 18th Mar 05:30 – 06:30pm –Welcome Roda to everyone@Cfdb School
Friday 18th Mar 10:30pm @ COPA as part of Capoeira Samba Show Advanced students only
Saturday 19th Mar 12:00 – 1:30pm Roda to everyone@Cfdb School
Sunday 20th Mar 02:00 – 05:00pm Batizado & Grading Free Entry to everyone@Cfdb School

KIDS Workshops
Friday 18th Mar 04:30 – 06:30pm – Mestre Amen Santo
Saturday 19th Mar 10:00 – 12:00pm – Mestra Meirelou

New Beginners Free Introduction
Thursday 17th Mar 06:30 – 07:30pm – Capoeira @Cfdb School Contra-Mestre Versatil
Saturday 19th Mar 05:00 – 06:00pm – Capoeira @Cfdb School Mestre Borracha

Mix Level – Capoeira, Samba, Berimbau and Acrobatics
Friday 18th Mar 06:30 – 08:00pm – Capoeira @Cfdb School Contra-Mestre Versatil
Friday 18th Mar 08:00 – 09:00pm – Berimbau @Cfdb School Mestre Amen Santo
* Berimbau $25 BYO, $35 not BYO ($170 includes Berimbau)
Friday 18th Mar 09:00 – 10:00pm – Acrobatics @Cfdb School Sebastiao
Saturday 19th Mar 03:00 – 05:00pm – Capoeira @Cfdb School Mestre Amen Santo
Sunday 20th Mar 09:00 – 10:30am – Capoeira @Cfdb School Mestre Borracha
Sunday 20th Mar 10:30 – 12:00pm – Afro @Cfdb School Mestre Amen Santo


Mestre of the month

Mestre Leopoldina

‘Dermeval Lopes de Lacerda’

(Dec 2nd 1933 – Oct 17th 2007)

Mestre Leopoldina passed away at the age of 74 in Sao Paulo Brazil.

Leopoldina’s live story starts less prosperous in Rio de Janeiro though. He didn’t grow up with his own mother and therefore he was often beaten and neglected. At a certain age he decided to leave his home. He slept in train wagons and made living selling sweets at public places. He started to make up rhymes to enhance his selling and also started to sell in the trains. People say he was nicknamed after one of Rio’s train stations, but he states that his nickname was after a locomotive he used to imitate. Having lived like this for a while Leopoldina heard of a place were street children were sheltered and fed. This made the struggle a bit easier.

Somewhere in 1952 or ’53 at the age of nineteen was the first time Leopoldina encountered Capoeira. He saw a guy named ‘Quinzinho’ leaping from left to right, standing on his feet and next on his hands. Leopoldina thought:’ Wow, I want to learn that stuff’. In order to do so he had to get nearer to his only example (Capoeira had been prohibited till that time and was therefore nearly absent in public live). This guy Quinzinho was a ‘malandro’ (as in criminal). Just a month before him being released from five years of imprisonment, Leopoldina started to go to the bars frequented by Quinzinho and offered him beers.

One of those occasions all of a sudden Quinzinho grasped Leopoldina’s hat challenging him to a fight. Leopoldina had a reputation as a street fighter to live up to. But at every move he made, Quinzinho easily leaped away. Finally Leopoldina had to give up. He was scared, but knew he had to come up with something. He left for the place where he hid his knife. On his way someone, seeing how upset Leopoldina was, stopped him to find out what was going on. Explaining him, Leopoldina spotted the boy to whom Quinzinho had given the hat, still wearing it. Leopoldina took it back and used other routes for a while. One day he was waiting at the final stop for the bus to come. When it arrived, first six of Quinzinho’s friends and finally Quinzinho himself came out.
When Quinzinho saw that all of his friends were happy to see Leopoldina again, he smiled and accepted him as part of the group. Now Leopoldina felt confident to reveal his wish to learn Capoeira. The first morning he arrived at Quinzinho’s house in a Favela, Quinzinho had already left. But from the next day on he came every day at seven to train with Quinzinho at the front of his house. Quinzinho would show him a movement and ask him to imitate it. Quinzinho didn’t use any names for the  movements.
After three or four months they could play together and Leopoldina was joining in Quinzinho’s fame, because he was the only one that could play with him. One day the two came across someone who could also play. This guy was called ‘Juvenil’. He invited Leopoldina to come play a little. When Juvenil struck Leopoldina with a ‘meia-lua’, Quinzinho pulled his gun and put it on Juvenil’s head saying: “Don’t do that. You will make him afraid to learn”. One of the other adventures Leopoldina had with Quinzinho was when the latter made him drink a few shots of straight cachaça (sugarcane liquor) before training. It made Leopoldina so sick and dizzy, that he kept easy on the stuff for the rest of his life. Finally Quinzinho got killed in a dispute over a woman. Now Leopoldina had to train by himself. He would do so on a soccer field, very early in the morning: “Otherwise people would say I was some lunatic!”.

The next capoeirista whom Leopoldina met was called Artur Emidio. He was top performer at the Waldemar Santana Academy. The owner of the academy had heard that Leopoldina could play Capoeira and invited him to come see the performance. Leopoldina entered a new world on the day of that performance. At first he even wondered if Artur was gay. Leopoldina was used to the dressing code of the malandros: wearing toe slippers and a scarf around his neck. The people at the academy were of different social standing. Though after Artur had done his solo, Leopoldina knew he had found a better player then Quinzinho. Artur had heard another capoeirista was present and invited him to come and play. Leopoldina made a good impression on Artur, because he invited Leopoldina to come to his lesson. The new contacts Leopoldina made in this group got him a job of which he enjoyed a pension until the day of his death. This is how Capoeira got Mestre Leopoldina ‘out of marginality into society.’

Mestre Leopoldina trained six years with Mestre Artur Emidio.

Mestre Leopoldina is resting in a very special place we all know because he were a very special kid, man, malandro, friend, son, father, brother and Mestre.

‘Onde quer que o Senhor esteja Mestre Leopoldina, a Capoeira e nós seus verdadeiros e nobres amigos sempre estaremos juntos’

Mestre Val Boa Morte

Ganga Zumbí
Mestre Leopoldinha

Alguém me disse
Que pareço Ganga Zumbí
Foi o Rei lá dos Palmares
Outros já me disseram
Que na outra encarnação
Eu era rico, muito rico
Que eu tinha muitas fazendas
E grande canavial
E eu era um bom patrão
Só mulher eu tinha nove
só mulher eu tinha nove
Com idade variada
Mais agora, o que eu tenho?
Nem sequer tenho casa pra morar
e nem dinheiro pra gastar
Mas tenho a Graça Divina
Que é a minha companheira
E esta grande amizade
Dentro do meu coração, camarada…Iê Galo Cantou…
Someone told me
I look like Ganga Zumbí
He was the king in Palmares
Others already told me
That in another incarnation
I was rich, very rich
I had a lot of farms
And a big sugar cane plantation
I was a good boss
Just women I had nineJust women I had nine
Of different ages
But now what do I have?
Not even a house to live in
Nor money to spend
But I have the divine grace
Which is my companionAnd that great friendship
Deep in my heart, comrade


Mestre Val says “Happy Childrens Day to all Children of Brazil and the World”

Façam todas as criancas felizes, cuidando-as, dando-lhes muito amor, carinho, respeito e compreensao. Ai sim teremos um futuro promissor.

“Feliz Dias a todas as Criancas do Brasil e do Mundo.”

Make all children happy, caring for them, giving them lots of love, affection, respect and understanding. And than we will have a promising future.

Happy Children Days to all Children of Brazil and the world.

– Mestre Val Boa Morte

13 OCT 2015


Celebrate the São Cosme e Sao Damião – SUNDAY 27 SEPT

Presented by: ABRISA

Hi Everyone!

THIS SUNDAY 27th from 1-4 pm we celebrate the São Cosme e Sao Damião day for our children and their families. The twin saints became known for curing people and animals without a charge for their service and became the representative saint for the pharmaceuticals and doctors. During this day, there will be a number of activities and entertainment for children of all backgrounds and age, we’ll also give out lollies as it is the tradition. It is expected that the parents will remain in attendance to supervise their children for the duration of the event.

Capoeira from 2-3pm

(WORKSHOP & LITTLE DEMO) Students must bring Uniform.

Sol Green Community Centre
Cnr. Montague and Coventry St, South Melbourne 3205 Melways Ref: 2J/K2 de

by: Mestre Val Boa Morte


CLICK HERE TO BOOK:!event-register/2015/9/27/s-195-o-cosme-e-s-195-o-dami-195-o-2015-st-cosme-st-damian-2015


Neste evento celebramos o Dia de São Cosme e São Damião para nossas crianças e seus familiares. Os santos gêmeos ficaram conhecidos por curarem pessoas e animais sem cobrar nada pelo serviço e são considerados padroeiros dos farmacêuticos e médicos. Nesse dia, proporcionamos várias atividades e brincadeiras para criancas de todas as comunidades e idades. Também são distribuídas balinhas, como manda a tradição.  E expectative da ABRISA que os pais estarão presente para supervisionar seus filhos.

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