Message by Monitor Esquilo (Baris Eroksuz):
Great surprise today! We had Mestre Val Boa Morte come and share his knowledge and axè with us. Amazing class & lessons as usual. Muito obrigado Mestre!
Message by Monitor Esquilo (Baris Eroksuz):
Great surprise today! We had Mestre Val Boa Morte come and share his knowledge and axè with us. Amazing class & lessons as usual. Muito obrigado Mestre!
A Message from SistaNative (aka Cantora)
When my Master helps me & is by my side.. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE :) <3
Creative life is a wonderous hectic supernatural storm that rages fulfillment & also wages war on the senses, the Heart and sometimes the community.. To create is to live life to the fullest.
No one person is an island.. my wish is that all beings feel the touch of inspiration to create & manifest something, even one thing and share it in their lifetime – however long or however short <3
Feeling blessed by the enthusiasm, dedication & follow through with Heart-felt, inspired action by my Creative Team <3
<3 The humility, ability to change, creative energy, dedication, inspiration, willpower, improvisational power, changing force, willingness, hard-working, endurance, intelligence, co-operative spirit, accessibility, resilience, sheer musical skill, artistic vision, commitment, sheer beauty & drive of my Capoeira Master is nothing short of sheer brilliance.
He is often embarrassed if you say these things directly to him, but others often don’t see those moments, when he fills a gap, or leaves a silence but is still listening, when he disappears but is still with you.. when he sees your plan, on the floor and all the tools and a big empty space.. when he understands what you intend but he sees that you are too busy to tend to it..
I like to celebrate those people & those acts of extreme kindness.. who do those things in the crevices of realistic time gone wild with flow.. there is a fortune to be experienced in service of self through service to others :)
I feel that most people experience this.. we are rarely celebrated absolutely for the small invisible tasks of doing & sometimes not-doing, for others.
The best things in life are intangible: love, humour, honesty, trust, leadership, enthusiasm, beauty, cleverness, etc..
I cannot count the infinite ways that Creative life reminds me of the grand organised design of all things – when Love & inspiration is present, living is truly a Divine experience.
#BrandNiU – YOU ARE HERE [portality40]
Art installation at MCA ARTBAR #MCAARTBAR
(photo by: KoCo Carey)
The sunset…
While the sun was hiding
The night came us Capoeiristas we get another night of busking on the streets until late from Barra Beach to Pituba Beach.
We were Filhos da Bahia Capoeira Group fighting, playing, running and surviving. Axe for everyone who went through those experiences with me ….. Edilney Ribeiro, Gugu, Nando De Oliveira Goncalves, Edson Santos, Mestre Nei Boa Morte, Edi-Carlos Jorge Boa Morte, and many others. Thanks to all of you first and foremost to God and my Parents.
O por do sol…
Enquanto o sol ia se escondendo
A noite chegava e nos Capoeiristas nos preparávamos para mais uma noite de show de rua que ia ate madrugada adentro desde a Barra ate a Pituba.
Eramos nos os Filhos da Bahia lutando, brincando, correndo e sobrevivendo.
Axe para todos que passaram por essas experiências juntamente comigo….. Edilney Ribeiro, Gugu Capoeira Feliz da Vida, Nando Goncalves De Oliveira, Edson Santos e muitos outros. Obrigado a todos voces e em primeiro lugar a Deus e aos meus Pais.
Filhos da Bahia!
From the Streets of Brazil to the Broadway and the Stages and Streets of 57 Countries. My first overseas Trip happened in 1984 when I was only 16 Years old when We went to Angola with my Dancer Master Luiz Badaro and the first time I step on the street as a busker was when I was 18 in Rio de janeiro in Carioca Street with my Street Performer Master Lencinho, so on it never stopped thanks to those great influences. The first Trip I went from Bahia my State was in 1983 to Sao Paulo and I was only 15. So many great Memories, please you can visit my albums called ‘Old pics from the Street & around the World Performances’. I arrived in Australia in November 10th 1992 and since them I have experienced all of that much more, Thanks God, my family, my Master Alfredo Duarte Borges Neto my friends and the Australia Community for Support me and my Culture.…
Desde as ruas do Brasil para a Broadway e os Palcos e Ruas de 57 países.
A minha primeira viagem ao exterior aconteceu em 1984, quando eu tinha apenas 16 anos, Fomos para Angola com o meu Mestre de Danca Badaró, e a primeira vez que eu me apresentei como artista de Rua foi quando eu tinha 18 anos no Rio de Janeiro Praca da Carioca com o Mestre Lencinho que da Rua foi o meu Mestre, assim por diante eu nunca parei graças a essas grandes influências . A primeira viagem que eu fiz fora do meu Estado Bahia foi em 1983 para São Paulo e eu tinha apenas 15. Então, muitas grandes e boas memórias, se queres você pode visitar os meus álbuns chamados ‘Old pics from the Street & around the World Performances’. Cheguei na Austrália, no dia 10 de novembro de 1992 e desde então eu tenho experimentado tudo isso e muito mais, graças a Deus, minha família, meus amigos e a comunidade da Austrália. Obrigado Australia por apoiar a min, minha família e a nossa Cultura.
tário para
A chalenge for every capoeiristas. I would love each of you try to play the Berimbau with the opposite hand film it and post, the point of that is to put ourselves in our students shoes realizing how hard is for them and how easy always being to us to being so hard on them. Please share this video around ..Mestre Tonho Matéria, Mestre Boa Gente, Mestre Amen Santo, Mestre Gilson, Borracha Capoeira Aruanda, Andre Cerutti Peixe, Mestre Formiguinha, Mestre Alabama, Mestre Goioere Muzenza, Mestre Lobao, Mestre Bamba
Posted by Mestre Val Boa Morte on Thursday, August 6, 2015
Mestre Val has decided to warm us all up for the final stretch of WINTER!
Work on your STAMINA & ENDURANCE :) or.. simply just ADD A DAY of TRAINING to your week. Pick up Capoeira songs & work on your Portuguese & Musicality!
Capoeira Training now STARTS at the same time on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY on 6:30pm!
Capoeira Music will now be at THE END OF CLASS, after a RODA!
WARM UP for the last weeks of WINTER – PLAY in the RODA – JAM OUT with Music, each WEDNESDAY :)
Mestre Val Boa Morte & Capoeira Filhos da Bahia are collaborating with Power Living in Fitzroy to present a wonderful community event!
Awaken Your Dancing Warrior
Fitzroy Studio
Saturday 22 August | 1:00pm-4:00pm
FREE Community Event
At: POWER LIVING – 260 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy (03) 9419 1118
Immerse yourself in the vibrancy of the South American culture, by experiencing the Brazilian Artform: Capoeira and the vitality of the Capoeira playing circle called a Roda.
Learn the fundamentals of Capoeira, a game, a dance, a martial art form, led by Capoeira pioneer – Mestre Val Boa Morte of Capoeira Filhos da Bahia. This will be followed by a spiced up Vinyasa journey led by our Colombian instructor Ana.
Last Friday was a loooooooooooooooong day of Capoeira teaching for Mestre Val :) This may be a case of ‘you had to be there’ but I’ll attempt to share here, anyway..
It’s not a big deal.. no event of note.. just a bit of “A Day in The Life of Meu Mestre”… elements of living the Capoeira Path in Australia..
Leaving the Capoeira school around Midday, for the second time this week, a group of us drove out of town, had an afternoon of Capoeira workshops with teenagers, then a drive home, straight into a Capoeira Kids class, a rushed half hour quick dinner at our favourite local restarurant ‘Coconut Palms’ having had no real Lunch break.. (truth is, I don’t think Mestre Val would have eaten if I didn’t insist.. when things are busy, he can forget sometimes..) followed by an Adults Capoeira class. AFTER CLASS – A loooooooooooooong hangout conversation with visiting Capoeiristas, stories of Capoeira history, challenges faced in Mestre Val’s Capoeira life, stories involving famous Capoeiristas that are known worldwide as well as stories of little-known or unknown Capoeiristas that he has encountered in his travels.. an interesting life in Capoeira.
Truthfully, the day was not very different at all, from any other day of Capoeira at CFdB.. but I witnessed something I feel that I’ve witnessed many times with Mestre Val, so I thought I would share it for those who may have not seen this side of him yet. Despite fatigue, despite challenges of all kinds, no matter how busy and crazy life gets.. somehow – over the decades he continues his committed and absolute passion for this artform and sharing it with others.
Still full from a quick dinner, FRIDAY CAPOEIRA CLASS became emblazoned with a fiery passion – Mestre Val was on a mission looking for something distinct from all of us in the class. It was fierce, it was complex, it was subtle and it was a very inspired event. It was just an ordinary, everyday Capoeira Class.. but even though there was a great excuse to have little or limited effort with the day’s events, the teacher could be forgiven for simply ‘taking it easy’. Mestre Val didn’t do that.. he hardly ever does that – he drove us all hard, at the many levels that were present and the result was a truly inspiring Capoeira class that we seriously can not believe we survived, each at our own level. It was a GREAT class, but was also a very very challenging class for us all.. starting as a slow burning embers.. growing into a blaze to be endured. Complex, yet calm in it’s challenge.
EVERYONE dug deep. Everyone put in a massive effort. Everyone pushed beyond their own limitations. Everyone felt the steep climb of the challenges set for us… and accepted it. No ego, no identity, no crap, just steady & guided action. It was a peaceful & beautiful thing to experience here at CFdB, being guided from doubt through to certainty by our Mestre.
Capoeira moments are so intense & awesome. For me, I think that this was my most favourite class with Mestre Val EVER to date. I’m not sure what made it my favourite – usually I LOVE when a Music Class connects with a Capoeira class. Simply, I think it was the pure energy that was present. As Sebastiao would say OUT LOUD “Energia Pura” :). I just LOVED the quiet, willing energy from every random Capoeirista present and I loved the inspiration that we, as a collective, brought out of my Master… and then, what what he gave back to us, in energy, in challenge, in passion, in technique and wisdom is something special. A gift.
Interestingly, many of us had not met before here. Some of us were from the group, some were visiting from abroad, some of us are visitors from time-to-time.. and also, there was 1 BEGINNER having her first CFdB class with us.. hahaha :) All of us, left CFdB feeling that special feeling that you get from a pure energetic feeling that comes from exhausting yourself and others, through facing challenges together in a Capoeira class.
Inspired by a fierce and challenging day of Capoeira, it’s pretty awesome to watch the World push a Capoeirista and to be there, present when the Master of Capoeira pushes back against the challenges, the fatigue and meets challenge with the pure energy of embodying Capoeira.. when he gets fierce and shares his passion for Capoeira with students of all levels and all walks of life.
It’s not the first time I’ve seen this drive & dedication result in a passionate and inspired display of Capoeira inspiration and shared wisdom.. and it wont be the last, but it’s a reminder that: When you get tired, Volta ao Mundo.. and Play again… and again.. and again.. and again.. and a reminder that passion and inspiration will flow ‘somehow’, when you live and love your Artform and when you share it at every opportunity it with anyone who is willing to learn with you.
A good reminder: Capoeira can be a real pleasure & a great challenge at every leg, through every phase of the lifelong journey. A constant learning, Capoeira has many faces & it is many things to many different kinds of people, all over the world.
A reminder of our school symbol, the Eagle in flight that carries and elevates carrying a Berimbau clutched in it’s feet. On Friday, I was reminded that Capoeira is also an imagined place to go beyond yourself, Capoeira energy is a problem solver and a life simplifier. It feels comforting and inspiring to have the wisdom of pure Capoeira experience from a Master, as a compass and a guide through a Capoeira path that expands for the Capoeirista, stretching out towards an unknown horizon. That connection to the roots of Capoeira makes the Capoeira pathway a sacred one, a lineage and a lived Culture to contribute to and participate in. A true Blessing.
Viva Meu Mestre!