19th CFdB International Encounter 2012

Wednesday, 4th April – Monday, 9th April, 2012


Coming up at EASTER TIME is the CFdB Encounter & Batizado Event. This is the Highlight of the Capoeira School Year.

Mestre Val is committed to sharing with his students the best that the Capoeira World has to offer, an AUTHENTIC experience with different Capoeira Masters, Capoeiristas & Teachers of Brazilian Artforms.

ALL STUDENTS are expected to participate & support the event as a show of commitment to Capoeira, your experience as a student & to demonstrate the ongoing growth of your CFdB group.

Please CONFIRM your participation with Mestre Val as soon as possible. ALL Deposits & Registration must be finalised by FEBRUARY to ensure that the event goes ahead as planned.




STAYED TUNED: more info coming soon!

CFdB Performance at VENTANA Street Fiesta – Frankston

SATURDAY, 17th March 2012

Showcasing the best from around the Globe!

Commencing with a beach ceremony at Wells Street Beach at noon (bring a flower to offer) and parading to Wells Street Plaza festivities at 12.45pm

CFdB students – wear WHITE / CFdB UNIFORM

Meet at CFdB for Kid’s Roda, before departing for FRANKSTON.

Please let Mestre Val know if you’re bringing your car and have seats available for Car pooling.

Car convoy leaves CFdB after Kid’s Roda

If you have a DJEMBE DRUM – please bring it :)




CFdB have a Car-Boot Stall – selling 2nd Hand Goods & Donated goods & services – you may even get a $10 for 10 mins massage & more!.. maybe a Capoeira Roda too!

The Fitzroy Market is not driven by a profit motive or trend status, but by the will to create a fun, welcoming atmosphere for all comers, and providing a chance for all members of our richly diverse community to contribute to and gain from the space.

The market (at Fitzroy Primary School) consists of 15 car boot stalls, 27 standard stalls, 4 food stalls, a kids craft area, and space for musicians and performers.

The market runs between 10am and 2pm!

The Fitzroy Market launched in February 2010. The team was determined to establish a space for Fitzroy’s residents and visitors to meet communally and seek, swap or sell their wares, they began by building relationships with community groups. Fitzroy Market has raised awareness, and funds, for programs helping those in need. This passion for social justice has forged bonds with community partners, helping fund important projects to maintain and strengthen the neighbourhood’s support network.

Visit The Fitzroy Market Website


CFdB ST KILDA FESTIVAL: Capoeira Roda & Demonstration

St Kilda Festival
This Sunday 12th February, 2012

Hi Everyone!

We are performing and having RODA at ST. KILDA Festival this Sunday 12th FEB from 3PM TIL 5PM. THE OPEN CAPOEIRA RODA WILL STARTS AT 4.15.

* We start our first set roving on Jacka Blvd at 3.00pm – so I’m hoping to meet at 2.30pm. With us will be two or three girls from Dance City Productions dressed in Samba costume.

The set times for us are:

3.00pm – 5.00pm

CAPOEIRA OPEN RODA START AT 4.15pm at Jacka Blvd in front to St Kilda bath.

So, we’ll rove the street with Samba girls playing drums, we will play Capoeira when we stop, dance Samba, Lambada and Teach a few Capoeira and Afro-Dance steps. 

White pants and group tshirt if you are Filhos da Bahia students… Everyone else are welcome also.

– Mestre Val Boa Morte 


Happy Birthday Mestre Val

I feel so happy for all the birthday wishes messages that I recieved here, Thank you God in first place and all of you my friends who remembered and made me feel so special. Thanks to caleb, jasiah, athena for preparing a very nice dinner, thanks my students for coming and eat the dinner and thankyou Eli and my kids for a nice surprise cake and present right on 00:00 hr of the 11th :)

Me sinto super feliz por todas as menssagens que recebir no meu aniversario, obrigado a Deus em primeiro lugar e a voces meus amigos por lembrarem e por me fazer sentir tao especail. Obrigado Caleb, Jasiah e Athena pela janta maravilhosa e obrigado meus alunos por comer a janta, obrigado Eli e eo meus filhos pela linda surpresa, torta e presente precisamente as 00 horas do dia 11.

The Roda at the school was nice also..

– Mestre Val Boa Morte 11/1/2012

2012 Happy New Year

2012 CLASSES START: Wednesday, 4th January, 2012


Desejo a todos voces meu amigos, irmaos, alunos, admiradores e familia um 2012 cheio de muita PAZ, SAUDE, ALEGRIA, REALIZACOES e muito DINHEIRO com certeza. So que nao devemos jamais esquecer de agradecer a DEUS nosso PAI.

Wishing you all my friends, brothers, students, admirers and family a 2012 filled with peace, health, joy, achievements and lots of money for sure. So that we must never forget to thank God our Father. 

– Mestre Val Boa Morte

Mestre Acordeon New CD ‘Força das Águas’ Available

Força das Águas has been in the oven for a few years. In addition to new capoeira songs, it has different textures and flavors.

Featuring: Mestre Acordeon, Mestre Sorriso, Mestre Lobão, Contramestre Cravo, Professor Salê, and Professor Recruta.

All the proceeds go to support Projeto Kirimurê!

1. Catarina – Mestre Acordeon
2. Ogum Ê – Mestre Sorriso e Contramestre Cravo
3. Eu vi Lá – Mestre Acordeon
4. Força das Águas – Mestre Acordeon 
5. Vou Navegando – Mestre Acordeon 
6. Pedra que Ronca – Mestre Acordeon 
7. Paraná Funk – Mestre Lobão e Contramestre Cravo
8. Água pra Lavar – Mestre Lobão 
9. Tráfico de Negro _ Professor Salê 
10. Vim da África – Mestre Acordeon 
11. Ê Baianinha – Professor Recruta 
12. Portão de Ouro – Contramestre Cravo 
13. Mestre Acordeon(live)

‘Força das Águas’ CD – Mestre Acordeon

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