I feel so happy for all the birthday wishes messages that I recieved here, Thank you God in first place and all of you my friends who remembered and made me feel so special. Thanks to caleb, jasiah, athena for preparing a very nice dinner, thanks my students for coming and eat the dinner and thankyou Eli and my kids for a nice surprise cake and present right on 00:00 hr of the 11th :)
Me sinto super feliz por todas as menssagens que recebir no meu aniversario, obrigado a Deus em primeiro lugar e a voces meus amigos por lembrarem e por me fazer sentir tao especail. Obrigado Caleb, Jasiah e Athena pela janta maravilhosa e obrigado meus alunos por comer a janta, obrigado Eli e eo meus filhos pela linda surpresa, torta e presente precisamente as 00 horas do dia 11.
The Roda at the school was nice also..
– Mestre Val Boa Morte 11/1/2012
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