Mestre Val’s Berimbau Challenge AUG 2015

A chalenge for every capoeiristas. I would love each of you try to play the Berimbau with the opposite hand film it and post, the point of that is to put ourselves in our students shoes realizing how hard is for them and how easy always being to us to being so hard on them. Please share this video around ..Mestre Tonho Matéria, Mestre Boa Gente, Mestre Amen Santo, Mestre Gilson, Borracha Capoeira Aruanda, Andre Cerutti Peixe, Mestre Formiguinha, Mestre Alabama, Mestre Goioere Muzenza, Mestre Lobao, Mestre Bamba

Posted by Mestre Val Boa Morte on Thursday, August 6, 2015

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