INVITE to ALL CFdB Students: Past & Present

RODA: Mestre Val & CFdB at St Kilda

Mestre Val would like to INVITE ALL Students of CFdB Past & Present to attend the 21st Filhos da Bahia International Capoeira Encounter 2015 – March 12-15! THIS WEEK!

ALL students who are not training right now can still participate in the Rodas, Playing Music & especially supporting the other CFdB students  & Capoeira Kids who have been training regularly at the MAIN BATIZADO EVENT on THIS SUNDAY 2pm-5pm

To participate in all the Rodas & Demonstrations, you simply just need to pre-purchase your Event Tshirt & wear it at the Event.

Capoeira Events are a great time to return to Capoeira training & visit the community, bringing your energy & experience to share with everyone. Axe!

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