Mestre of the Month

Mestre Nô

Norival Moreira de Oliveira was born in Coroa, Itaparica, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil on June 22, 1945. At 7, Norival and his family moved to Massaranduba, a poor neighborhood not far from the church of Bomfim. Mestre Nilton and Mestre Cutica, brothers and highly respected capoeiristas who lived down the block, took young Norival to meet the elder masters Pirró and Zeca. Pirró, Zeca and Nilton organized and commanded many capoeira rodas in the streets.

Norival began playing in the mestre’s rodas and in 1965 he started teaching in his own academy. Mestre No founded Capoeira Academies Retintos, Orixas da Bahia and Capoeira Palmares. He has taught to thousands of capoeristas. He is founder, president, and grand master of Associacao Brasileira Cultural de Capoeira Palmares (ABCCP) an organization dedicated to teaching, promoting and maintaining the traditions of Capoeira Angola.

Today, Mestre No lives with his wife, children and grand children in Boca do Rio, Salvador. He teaches capoeira in Pituba and travels throughtout Brazil in the US and other parts of the world.

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